Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fundamentals of Research : Book Launch

Having done some professional writing/blogging/research in our individual capacities, as authors ( thought leme pen down research thoughts in the form of a sequential array of topics and yes me and my friend Manpreet wrote this book in #COVID-19 times, However, what we could not anticipate was the challenge the Covid-19 lockdown would throw onto us. The announcement of ‘staying-in’, ‘no movement’, coming to terms with the hard-hitting reality that while we were at a stage requiring working together uninterrupted for hours & days, we could not even for now, possibly meet.
What seemed an obstacle, however, reshaped into resolve as we took on the  Herculean task of a true ‘work from home’ on our book, working in pace, while at our own place with series of calls, zoom calls, google meets & skype sessions, spaced in-between by running tasks around the house devoid of any help. The true picture of the work-life balance emerging as we juggled to and fro from ‘Kitchen to Laptop’ & from things around the house to chapters around the book. My special thanks to Manpreet my co-author. Multiple mornings of, ‘not possible’ saw by the end of the day, ‘Yes! we can’, and emerged, ‘The Fundamentals of Research’ as you see it today. ( the article is an excerpt from Book)
Presenting first book & many more to follow!! 
By Anubha Maurya Walia