Saturday, March 12, 2011


PROUD TO SHARE PRISM FOUNDER - ANUBHA RECIEVED MOST PROMISING AND OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMEN & ENTERPRISING AWARD on Inter-national Women’s Day was originally called International Working women day and celebrated on Mar 8th every year worldwide,  day for appreciation, love, affection, respect towards women. The first International Women day was observed on 19th March 1911 in Germany.
Present scenario has changed, women are treated at power with men, have become more educated, self reliant and independent, but still today women are trying for social justice. 
Women have been empowered in their respective field i.e plow field and harvest crop while working on farms, weave and handicraft while working in household industries, sell food and gather wood while working in informal sector. When we see their traditional responsibility from cooking, fetching water, upbringing kids and also bread butter earner than QUESTION ARISES why so many crimes on women. 
If we nail down and try to overcome the problem yet it is difficult. Main problem have been observed:

·         Marriage
·         Lack of Power
·         Over work
·         Poor Health
·         Malnutrition
·         Dowry
·         Female Feticide
·         Child Marriage
·         Cyber Stalking
·         Eve Teasing
·         Gender Inequality
·         Gender inequality
·         Divorce
·         Eve Teasing
·         Girl Education

Women make up 48.5% of population of the country, and empowering does not hold meaning till the time true meaning of empowerment is understood. Can we really empower WOMEN and answer is YES.
Few of them could be:
-          Rural area women should be focused upon
-          Affordable  care facilities
-          Basic Education
-          Basic counseling at early marriage regarding HIV, Diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
-          Socially challenged women including widow and prostitutes have to helped
-          Physically challenged women to be rehabilitated

The status of women in India is a sort of paradox at one hand she is at the peak of ladder of success and other on the other hand she is suffering the violence. STILL, WOMEN are the best, so make a difference, think globally and act locally !! Make everyday International Women's Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.

1 comment:

  1. I Agree Wid u,People should change their attitude n thinkin 4 women..
